Saving lives in South East Asia

Jotun continues to support Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) in their efforts in some of the world’s most dangerous places. There still are millions of mines and explosive remnants of war hidden under the soil in Vietnam and Cambodia.
A mine dog on duty finding hidden mines

ᎥᏍᎩᏱ 22, 2021

The NPA Mine Action and Disarmament (MAD) program works to reduce the risk constituted by mines, cluster munitions and other explosives remnants of the war to a level where civilians may live safely and where development is not hindered.

Jotun has been established in South East Asia for more than 50 years. Achieving business success relies on our ability to develop good community relations and being a good corporate citizen. That is why we invest our time, expertise and resources to build an environment where both our company and the local society benefit.

For the past six years Jotun has funded the training of two mine detection dogs called Jotun. The dogs are trained to locate landmines and explosive remnants of war in countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vietnam and Cambodia. Millions of people live in areas affected by mines and explosives, where one step in the wrong direction could be fatal.

A majority of casualties caused by explosive weapons are civilians. More than half are children. NPA’s work clearing land is important and the Jotun Group wants to contribute and support for another three years.  

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