Jotun donation to emergency aid in Morocco

កញ្ញា 13, 2023
More than 3,000 people were killed after the earthquake, according to international media. Many more are injured, and there are widespread devastations on buildings and infrastructure.
Moroccan Red Crescent Society (MRCS) teams quickly arrived to coordinate with local units from the International Red Cross (IFRC) and local authorities. In the early stage of an emergency aid operation, it is necessary to assess the situation, support in the search and rescue operation and provide help to those affected, IFRC reports on its website.
Among the tasks are providing first aid, giving psychosocial support and helping transport the injured to hospitals. Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies from Africa, Middle East and Europe have also reached out to assist.

"A part of our Corporate Responsibility strategy is to take responsibility in the areas where we operate, and Jotun wants to contribute economically to aid the emergency situation in Morocco. By choosing Red Cross/Red Crescent as our partner, we know that the money is spent according to our intention".
Kari-Ellen Liverod, Group Communications Manager