Jotun supports Red Cross in Brazil

maja 15, 2024
Since 29 April 2024, the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul has experienced rainfall three times higher than the average for this time of year. More than 440 out of Rio Grande do Sul's 496 municipalities reported flood-related issues, affecting around 2.3 million people.
As of 6 June, there were 756 people injured, over 620,000 people displaced and more than 81,000 living in shelters. The death toll had reached 126.
The IFRC and local Red Cross provide immediate relief support like shelters, water, sanitation, hygiene supplies as well as psychosocial support.
- A part of our Corporate Responsibility strategy is to take responsibility in the areas where we operate, and Jotun wants to contribute with financial support in emergency situations in countries where Jotun is located. By choosing Red Cross/Red Crescent as our partner, we know that the money is spent according to our intention, says Øyvind Willumsen Haugå, Group Communications Director.
A recent study from World Weather Attribution revealed that climate change made the floods in southern Brazil “twice as likely,” and the damage was only made worse by infrastructure failures.
Photo: Gilmar Alves/ASI/Agencia estado via AFP