Jotafloor EP SL is a robust and durable two-component, solvent-free, amine-cured epoxy coating with high bond strength. It is a high-performance, abrasion- and chemical-resistant product that is self-levelling, leaving a seamless floor surface.
This low volatile organic compounds (VOC) product is suitable for application on rubber, nylon and metal tyres and can handle weights of up to 30 tons of dynamic load. It is designed to be used as a mid-coat or topcoat as part of a complete system.
Some recommended spaces to apply this floor coating are garages, warehouses, showrooms, factories or laboratories due to its good impact resistance. Jotafloor EP SL gives customers 12 unique shades to choose from.
Jotafloor EP SL is a part of Jotun’s Green Building Solutions, a hand-picked low-VOC product range that includes decorative paints, architectural powder coatings, fireproofing, flooring and protective coatings.
The products in this collection have been independently tested and deemed compliant with the most stringent green building rating systems such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM).
- High impact resistance
- Superior abrasion resistance
- Excellent chemical resistance
- High compressive strength
- Robust and durable
- High bond strength
- Suitable for rubber, nylon and metal tyres up to 30 tons of dynamic load
- Self leveling
- Heavy duty usage
- Solvent free
- DFT: 1.5 MM to 5 MM
地坪涂料 Industrial floor coatings solutions
Determination of Compressive Strength - ASTM C579
Determination of Tensile Strength - ASTM C307
Determination of Flextural Strength - ASTM C580
Determination of Shore 'A' hardness - ASTM D2240 :2005
Determination of Shore 'D' Hardness - ASTM D 2240:2005
All the tests were carried out at 23±2 °C and 50±5% RH (Relative Humidity). For more details refer test certificate.

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