Jotashield Tex Ultra

Jotashield Tex Ultra is a superior quality, flexible, water based textured paint based on a pure acrylic emulsion. It offers excellent weather and water resistance. The unique UV protected colours offer outstanding protection against the destructive effect of UV rays. Its unique formula offers the best anti-carbonation properties and maximum crack protection.
For more detailed product and colour information, please visit Jotashield Tex Ultra
- Advance colour performance
- Long lasting protection
- Maximum crack protection
- Certified concrete protection and anticarbonation
建筑-室外用 混凝土和木材保护
This product contributes to Green Building Standard credits by meeting the following specific requirements:
LEED®v4 .1 (2019):
EQ credit:
- Low-emitting materials: VOC content for Exterior walls and mineral substrate WB (40 g/l) (EU Directive 2004/42/CE) and emission between 0.5-5.0 mg/m3 (CDPH method 1.2).
LEED®v4 (2013) /LEED®v4 .1 (2019):
MR credit: Building product disclosure and optimization
- Material Ingredients, Option 2: Material Ingredient Optimization, International Alternative Compliance Path -
REACH optimization: Fully inventoried chemical ingredients to 100 ppm and not containing substances on the REACH Authorization list – Annex XIV, the Restriction list – Annex XVII and the SVHC candidate list.
- Environmental Product Declarations. Product-specific Type III EPD (ISO 14025;21930, EN 15804).
SS Credit: Heat Island Reduction
Selected colour(s) of this product meets the requirements of:
- SR of at least 0.33 for Non-roof structures
- SRI of at least 39 for Steep-sloped roof
- SRI of at least 82 for Low-sloped roof
- SRI of at least 39 for Parking roof covering
LEED® (2009):
IEQ Credit 4.2: The VOC requirements of Green Seal Standard GS-11, 1993 (architectural indoor products).
- SS credit 7.1: Heat Island Effect - Nonroof
Hardscape, Roof structures and Parking roof covering. Selected colour(s) have SRI of at least 29.
- SS credit 7.2: Heat Island Effect - Roof
Selected colour(s) have SRI of at least 29 for Steep-sloped roof and 78 for Low-sloped roof.
BREEAM® International (2016)
- Hea 02: VOC exemplary emission (CDPH method 1.2 (2017)) and the VOC content for One-Pack performance
coatings (100 g/l).
- Mat 01: Product-specific Type III EPD (ISO 14025;21930, EN 15804).

Hardtop Smart Pack
Hardtop Smart Pack 是一种改性丙烯酸面漆,可形成光泽饰面,且混合比为 1:1,施工时简单轻松。
- 可形成光滑饰面
- 1:1 简单混合比
- 适合刷子和辊筒施工

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