Jotatherm TB550
Jotatherm TB550是一款可减少热量损失或提供低温溢溅保护的无溶剂复合环氧树脂保温层。
- 可与烃类防火涂料Jotachar一起使用
- 导热率低
- 耐久性出众
Ultra Insulate HR is a patent pending insulating powder coating specially designed as a mid-coat for a 3-layer coating system for EV battery packs. The product provides excellent electrical insulation, heat insulation and flame resistance properties to protect key components from damage under thermal runaway propagation.
The product is tested in accordance with UL 94 requirements for flame retardant properties.
Jotatherm TB550是一款可减少热量损失或提供低温溢溅保护的无溶剂复合环氧树脂保温层。
Guard Insulate HB提供安全且可靠的绝缘性、耐压性、耐热性以及防腐蚀能力,同时兼具优良的包边性能。
Guard Insulate HR S能够提供电绝缘性能以及防阻燃性能,以防止涂层体系在热失控的情况下发生自燃。
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