

White paper and video

Challenges and insights behind qualifying a protective coating as a CUI preventive coating

Over the last years an extensive amount of testing has been performed to test and qualify coating systems for CUI protection. In a conference paper published by Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) and authored by Jotun R&D experts, a variety of test results are presented to show how complex it is to qualify coatings to prevent CUI occurring.

Substrates and temperatures in relation to coatings

White paper

What is CUI video thumbnail

What is CUI?

Video on corrosion under insulation (CUI)


The industry coming together: combatting the hidden CUI threat in the energy sector

The fight against corrosion, particularly corrosion under insulation (CUI), is increasingly becoming a main focus for the energy sector. How is the industry addressing this issue and how can risk be reduced? A new standard test procedure that addresses this critical industry challenge might pave the way, so that the energy sector better can maintain steel integrity.

高温条件下硅酸锌面临的挑战 – 第 1 部分


高温条件下硅酸锌面临的挑战 – 第 2 部分

在配制用于高温环境(温度高于 120°C)的 IOZ(无机硅酸锌)涂料之前,我们先要弄清 IOZ 在此类条件下会面临哪些主要挑战。

