imageswimmer in ocean


  • Container ship at sea

    Performance monitoring critical to optimising vessel performance – and saving money

    The shipping industry is transforming. To meet the new regulatory requirements and market needs, ship owners and operators need to enhance their capability to offer innovative, relevant and efficient services.

    A ship hull with red coating

    5 facts about coatings that should not be ignored

    The conversation about the importance of antifouling measures is growing. Here’s 5 reasons why shipowners and operators should not ignore the debate and opt for quality marine coatings.

    A red and green ship hull

    10 ways to reduce fuel cost

    Fuel is still one of, if not the biggest expense in ships operation. With this in mind, and before the onset of new regulations, it's likely the best possible time to consider ways to reduce fuel costs.

  • ISO 19030

    Speed deviation


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