Many Jotun employees standing together outside in a formation that spell Jotun

Y/OUR life at Jotun

Jotun's company culture is based on four values: loyalty, care, respect, and boldness. Get to know the penguin spirit.

Our company values

Meet our employees

Gender pioneer in marine coatings

As one of the first women to sell marine coatings to Polish shipowners, Anna Pionka has not only broken barriers, but also helped Jotun become a market leader. 

Game on at work

Greek engineer Eleni Boviatsi has a PlayStation setup as her workstation. Currently on a short-term assignment in Norway, she is playing with Jotun's greatest innovation.

Yasmine Eladly on stage with a microphone

Career boost in the Middle East

Jotun’s employees are encouraged to pursuit new careers within the company. For Yasmine (31) a short-term assignment sent her on a career boosting journey.

Sektörde devrim

Helle Vines Ertsas, Jotun kariyerinin başlarında yetkinlik geliştirme ve şirket içi eğitimlerle çalıştı. Bugün ise şirketin şimdiye kadar olan en karmaşık yeniliğine odaklanmış durumda.

Tersanedeki bariyerler yıkılıyor

Gemideki tek kadın olmak Jotun İtalya'dan Teknik Satış Desteği uzmanı Verena Zeriul için sorun değil. Şirketin kendi eğitimlerine ve gelişimine olan yatırımlarına minnettar olduğunu söylüyor.

Bir Amerikan rüyası

Emma McArthur, Jotun'a katıldığında boyalar hakkında hiçbir şey bilmiyordu. Sekiz yıl sonra performansının zirvesinde olan Jotun Amerika'nın bir üyesi olarak kendini Teksas eyaletinin Houston kentinde buldu.

Stein Kjolberg at the golf course

Hit the American dream

Stein Kjølberg is one of many Jotun employees with various positions and countries under the belt. Now the Norwegian is packing his golf clubs and moving to the US.

Yi Huang has a global career within Jotun

Citizen of the world

Yi Huang’s willingness to embrace opportunities has led to a truly global career with Jotun.

Norunn Folsvik is not afraid of diving into new challenges

Leap of faith

Sometimes, taking big risks pays off. For Norunn Folsvik, trying something new sometimes means putting doubts aside.

Melvin Lee has a great career within Jotun

Embracing opportunity

Sandefjord may not share much in common with his birthplace in Malaysia, but for Melvin Lee, Norway is home – for now.

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